DEA Inclusion: Are you going to IDEA?

DEA Inclusion: Are you going to IDEA?

The WACAC Annual Conference ( is just around the corner and as we all prepare for networking and professional development opportunities, I want to put a plug in for the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Institute...
DEA Inclusion: Are you going to IDEA?

DEA Inclusion: Thoughts on “Turning the Tide”

By Jamilla Jamison   Reading season is both an exciting and exhausting time for me (probably also for many of my colleagues as well). Every year I’m blown away by all the amazing things our students are able to do …
DEA Inclusion: Are you going to IDEA?

DEA Inclusion: Let’s talk ‘Mismatch Theory’

By Yamilet Medina López   In my continued interest of all things college admissions related, this past December provided another deep reflection period for me as I listened to oral arguments during a Fisher vs. University of Texas at Austin...
DEA Inclusion: Are you going to IDEA?

DEA Inclusion: Apply for DEA Grants!

Want to take your juniors on a west coast college tour? Do you have an idea to support students or education professionals from disadvantaged communities? Consider applying for a DEA Grant! The Diversity, Equity and Access (DEA) Committee...
DEA Inclusion: Are you going to IDEA?

DEA Inclusion: In Praise of Data

By Tony Losongco   The summer before starting grad school for college counseling, I got a student job with the university’s institutional research office. I call it the best three-month campus orientation I could have received. It wasn’t because of...