Stretching Per Diem

Stretching Per Diem: Post 5

By Chris Helvajian I’ve now reached the end of my conscripted service to the WACAC blog. One last post to summarize our journey together through the magical land of stretching per diem. One last chance for me to impart what little wisdom I have. One last chance to...

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Stretching Your Per Diem: Post 4

By Chris Helvajian With both feet now planted firmly in Reading Season and 200+ files sitting in my queue ready to be read, now is the perfect time to divert my attention away from my real job and look back on a successful Travel Season. Let’s discuss some lessons...

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Stretching Your Per Diem – Post 3

By Chris Helvajian Greetings from the road! I write this from the DoubleTree (two check-in cookies, of course) in San Diego. I’ve been away from home 23 of the last 29 days and I’m just about done with travel. Sounds like a lot to the layman, but I know I’m lucky....

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Stretching Your Per Diem

So you’re a counselor on the road, huh? You’re making big bucks, but you don’t do it for the money. You rep to see the joy (dread) in students’ faces as they contemplate the college admissions process. You rep to feel the rush of a rental car with no additional...

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