DEA Inclusion

DEA Inclusion

By Jamilla Jamison A few weeks ago, my colleague Yamilet Medina López posted a blog about the much-discussed Fisher v. University of Texas – Austin Supreme Court case. In an effort to keep the WACAC and higher education community informed...
DEA Inclusion

DEA Inclusion: Spanish Programming

By Maureen Ruiz-Sundstrom Harvey Mudd College   Being now in my third year on the job, I feel that I am in a position where, more than just improve on the programs I currently oversee, I can begin to think …
DEA Inclusion

DEA Inclusion: Racial Tensions on College Campuses

By Jamilla Jamison Over the past few weeks student-led protests have ignited college campuses across the nation. Social media sites have exploded with students showing their solidarity through hashtags such as #BlackOnCampus and #ConcernedStudent1950 – the latter...
DEA Inclusion

DEA Inclusion: From a Future Counselor for Future Generations

By Tony Losongco Now that WACAC has welcomed the nation’s college counselors to San Diego to celebrate the current state of the profession, I want to celebrate the future of the profession. As a counseling graduate student at a diverse …