By Stacy Kadesh

Stacy Kadesh and Associates College Consulting

In November WACAC members came to the aid of Northern California students whose college application preparations were severely impacted by the wildfires. Numerous events were hosted by local high schools and our membership came together as a community to support students and staff. The blog below is from one of the WACAC volunteers, Stacy Kadesh about her experience volunteering in Santa Rosa.

Santa Rosa high school was abuzz with activity at the Community Cares College Application Night on November 7th. Volunteers from near and far put aside the fatigue of the travel and application season to provide advice and support to the most deserving students. Presentations and sessions included UC and CSU Application Advice, Scholarship Information, Why Out of State-WUE, one-to-one Essay Review and Portfolio review.
Prior to the event, friend and WACAC member, Sharon Bear, drove me around Santa Rosa to witness the devastation. The news footage just does not do it justice. Block after block of chimneys surrounded by piles of ash, twisted metal and burned out cars punctuate the grey apocalyptic landscape. Entire neighborhoods are just gone. All that remains of hotels that once stood to welcome visitors, is rubble. Some students are living, separated from their parents, with friends or relatives nearby who still have a home. Students from Cardinal Newman High School have been divided to attend classes in local Catholic Churches. This is a community divided, but never more together in spirit.
To say that coming together to support Santa Rosa felt like the best way to spend a Tuesday night would be an understatement. Regional College Representatives, public and private high school counselors and IEC’s worked side by side to support over 300 students eager and grateful for help. A special shout out to the planning committee-Jerilea Jones, Nicole Cancilla-Kopf, AshleeProud-Moreno, Kris Bertsch-Rydell, Debi Batini, Shana Eso, Kristine Erken. Amazing work! #WACACproud