I’m Going to College! Now What?

I’m Going to College! Now What?

It’s summer! For recently graduated high school seniors it means one thing: college. The summer between high school graduation and starting college marks an important time — a time of transition. Students are excited and gearing up for what is …
The Big Rift

The Big Rift

I’ve been mulling over the uncomfortable but rather pressing conversation started during the WACAC conference: how can school-based college counselors and IECs work together more effectively? I’ve been trying to boil the problem down a bit. It seems to stem...
Finding the Fit: 24 and Overboard

Finding the Fit: 24 and Overboard

Name: that part was easy. Date of birth: June, 1989, which made me a few months short of my 25th birthday the first time I applied to transfer to a 4-year university. A lot older than my perfect cousin, who …

Don’t Rush to ADT the UC

The University of California (UC) recently released a report titled “Preparing California For Its Future: Enhancing Community College Student Transfer to UC,” which discusses imbalances in UC transfer admissions and examines possible social, economic, academic, and...