Drumroll, please…

Drumroll, please…

Dear WACAC Members, We are thrilled to present to you (drumroll, please…) the WACAConversations blog! We will cover pressing issues in the admission profession, announce upcoming WACAC events, and share stories about the world of college counseling. In addition...

Google Drive Times Are My Frenemy

I have always been a pretty organized person.  I recall the joy I found in my high school Spanish classes, where teachers required you to have tabbed sections for your binder and to have numbered all of your assignments. Mine …

Welcome to Tech Tuesdays

Salutations, and welcome to the first installment of the bi-weekly series: Tech Tuesdays starring Grant Cushman. My name is, quite un-coincidentally, Grant Cushman. I’m an Admission Counselor at Chapman University in Orange, California and the Communications...

Where Did You Go to High School?

There were only two open territory assignments when I started at USC, so I knew I was going to Texas.  Having gone to college in the south, I had friends in the area. I knew I would have some points …