GRAC Action Alert: Act Now to Move Education Funding to States

GRAC Action Alert: Act Now to Move Education Funding to States

There may be money coming your way! ACT NOW and tell your legislators what to do! The new federal budget signed last week includes a remarkable $700 million for the Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant—an increase that nearly triples …

GRAC: Local District Visits to Elected Officials Guide

What is advocacy and why should we do it? Just as we advocate for our students in our daily work lives, we need to publicly advocate for students to improve their readiness for college, access to college and ability to …
November Ballot Initiatives Affecting Education

November Ballot Initiatives Affecting Education

Provided by GRAC The California November ballot is one of the longest in recent memory, filled with various initiatives dealing with issues as diverse as the death penalty and marijuana legalization.  There are four initiatives that particularly affect education.  So...