DEA Inclusion: In Praise of Data

DEA Inclusion: In Praise of Data

By Tony Losongco   The summer before starting grad school for college counseling, I got a student job with the university’s institutional research office. I call it the best three-month campus orientation I could have received. It wasn’t because of...
DEA Inclusion: In Praise of Data

DEA Inclusion

By Jamilla Jamison A few weeks ago, my colleague Yamilet Medina López posted a blog about the much-discussed Fisher v. University of Texas – Austin Supreme Court case. In an effort to keep the WACAC and higher education community informed...
DEA Inclusion: In Praise of Data

DEA Inclusion: Spanish Programming

By Maureen Ruiz-Sundstrom Harvey Mudd College   Being now in my third year on the job, I feel that I am in a position where, more than just improve on the programs I currently oversee, I can begin to think …
DEA Inclusion: In Praise of Data

DEA Inclusion: Racial Tensions on College Campuses

By Jamilla Jamison Over the past few weeks student-led protests have ignited college campuses across the nation. Social media sites have exploded with students showing their solidarity through hashtags such as #BlackOnCampus and #ConcernedStudent1950 – the latter...
DEA Inclusion: In Praise of Data

DEA Inclusion: Get Involved & Reach Higher Initiative

By Jamilla Jamison NACAC is always a great experience for gaining new knowledge, ideas and an opportunity for networking. NACAC San Diego was the largest ever hosted and WACAC was fortunate enough to have 900 attendees for its membership meeting!...